Selected paintings 2000-2020
Name of the game, 2007, oil/canvas, 216 x165 cm
Media bloom, 2002, mixed media on birch plywood, 60x120cm
Lookout, 2004, oil/canvas, 216x165 cm
Last summer of 19th century, 1999, oil/canvas, 165x216 cm
Hero, 1990, acrylic on canvas, 132x96cm
Two shows, 2004, mixed media, 30x30cm
Peace returned, 2007, silkscreen, 50x67 cm
Target practice, 2007, silkscreen, 64x45 cm
Hunger, 2007, silkscreen, 64x45 cm
Feather, 2007, acrylic on wood, 30x30 cm
Cross examination, 2007, mixed on canvas, 30x30cm
When all the birds…, 2007, silkscreen, 50x67 cm
Crowds, 2004, mixed media on canvas, 30x30cm
Thinker, 2004, mixed media on canvas, 30x30cm
Football fans, 2004, mixed media on canvas, 30x30 cm
Arnold, 2004, mixed media on canvas, 30x30cm
Hollywood, 2004, mixed on canvas, 30x30cm
Ascension , 2004, mixed media on wood, 96x132cm
Hanging hat, 2004, mixed media, 12x12cm + handmade glass
Memory, 2004, mixed, 12x12cm + handmade glass
Marocco, 2004, mixed, 12x12cm + handmade glass
Reach, 2004, mixed, 12x12cm + handmade glass
Doll, 2004, mixed,12x12cm + handmade glass
Emerging, 2004, acrylic/ glass, 30x30cm
Mirage, 2004, acrylic, 30x30cm
On the pedestal, 2002, acrylic on birch plywood,100x140cm
Last prayer, 1987, oil on canvas, 122x92cm
Mood, 1987, oil on canvas, 122x92cm
Pohjoisen näkymiä, 2007, oil on canvas, 100x140cm
The red fell, 2007, oil on canvas, 100x140cm
Neitseellinen maisema, 2007, oil on canvas, 100x140cm
The essence of by-gone time, 1986, oil on canvas, 261x143cm
The last dance, 1986, oil on canvas, 261x143cm
The answerer, 1990, oil on canvas, 215x165 cm
Deep sleep, 2002, oil on canvas, 100x140cm
Uusi aika, 2002, oil on canvas/glass, 200x136cm
The claim, 1990, oil on canvas, 100x142cm
Sign, 199O, oil on canvas, 100x142 cm
Fire, 1990, oil on canvas, 165x216cm
Exhaustion, 1990, oil on canvas, 165x216cm
The thoughts of youth are long, long thoughts, 1990, oil/canvas, 216x165cm
Darwin’s dilemma, 2003, mixed media, 165x216cm
Blurred, 1994, mixed media, 2x60x60cm
When all the birds are gone…, 2007, oil on canvas, 165x216 cm
Union, 2006, oil on canvas, 100x142cm
Tree of knowledge, oil, 216x165cm
Stratum, 1994, acrylic/ mixed media, 80x120cm
Senator, 2002, oil on canvas, 200x136cm
Sacrifice, 2007, oil on canvas, 216x165cm
Return flight, 2007, oil on canvas, 216x165cm
Rapids, acrylic on canvas, 216x165cm
Biarritz, 2015, oil on canvas, 30x24cm
Eruption, 2015, oil on canvas, 24x30cm
Exit, 2014, oil on canvas, 140x200cm
First Wave 2015, oil on canvas, 40x30cm
Ilmiö, 2015, oil on canvas, 30x24cm
Jäätikön pako, 2004, oil on canvas, 100x124cm
Noah’s ark, 2015, oil on canvas, 90x120cm
Pulse, 2015, oil on canvas, 90x120cm
Revival, 2014, oil on canvas, 140x200cm
Flow, 2014, oil on canvas, 90x120cm
Autumn at the beach, 2015, oil on canvas, 24x30cm